
Go For The Word

Hosea 4:6 says my people destroyed for lack of knowledge…Many are oppressed and afflicted by the devil because they lack the knowledge of God’s Word. This is the reason you must take your study of God’s word seriously. It will show you who you really are and what belongs to you in Christ Jesus.
The truth is the more of God’s word you receive into your spirit, the greater insight you will have into the life of God in you and consequently function in. That life will become so real to you and it will be impossible for sickness to dominate you. Make up your mind not to have a casual relationship with God’s Word. Go after it like you would go after a treasure; it will transform your life and cause you to walk in the reality of eternal life

Healing Is Yours

Its easy for many to accept that when a man confesses the Lord Jesus and believes that God raised Him from the dead, he is saved. But they find it difficult to accept that by the same token, that man is delivered from sickness. If the salvation of your spirit is that simple, why do you healing on your physical body to be complicated.
Jesus bore your sins as well as your sickness in the same sacrifice. 1 peter 2.24 says WHO HIS OWN SELF BARE OUR SINS IN HIS OWN BODY ON THE TREE, THAT WE BEING DEAD TO SINS, SHOULD LIVE UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS BY WHOSE STRIPSES YE WERE HEALD. All you have to do is to accept it and walk in the light of it.
I once heard the story of a young girl who was dying and whom the doctor had given a few days to live she was connected to an oxygen tank, was completely bedridden, and could not eat any normal food. She could only take fluids. Sometime during this period her mother who had been taking care of her, gave her a bible to study as she prepared to die
When she read this she started sobbing and prayed Dear Lord Jesus thank you for taking my sins away. In a few days I will be coming to Heaven, I am so grateful for saving my soul


Christ lives in me, therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. Jesus bore my infirmities on His body, that I may never bear any infirmity in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy. Sickness and infirmity have no place in me the life of Christ is at work in every fibre of my being, in every bone of my body and in every cell of my blood, in Jesus Mighty Name Amen

The Importance Of Recreation

Recreation can be defined as the refreshment of one’s mind and body through activity that amuses or stimulates. Research and findings have shown that recreation activities have health and mental benefits, and help in the development of the psychological and social tendencies of individuals.
Recreation could be active or passive or a combination of the two. Passive recreation includes enjoying a song, watching a football match or reading. On the other hand, active recreation includes running cycling or playing basket with friends. Active recreation, which involves more physical activity makes an individual less prone to obesity. It is excellent for elevating the heart rate and help boost the immune system

Your Hope For A Glorious Life

Christ in you is your hope for a life of glory, if you are sick in your body today, what you need is the manifestation of Christ in your body. When Christ is manifested, everything that is not of God will leave. Let Christ take all of you. “Jesus answered and said unto him, if a man love me he will keep my words and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him” John 14:23.
Every child of God is God’s dwelling place 1 Corinthians 3:16, but Christ can only manifest Himself in the life of one who keeps His Word. He will manifest Himself in your soul by taking charge of your mind and giving you thoughts of God. This is what you need in your life. Much more than the healing you need the Healer. His divine presence vitalizes your mortal body through His Spirit that lives in you

It's Beyong The Senses

When I see it, I will believe it. That is some peoples philosophy. But the truth is, you will never believe it that way because you are not going to see it until you first believe. Believing comes ahead of seeing.
After the resurrection of Jesus, He appeared to some of His disciples. But when they told Thomas, who was not there at the time he said except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side I will not believe John20.25. That is the way some folks are. They always think others are trying to play on their intelligence, and that is sad. But Jesus said to Thomas, I say to them| “Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed” John 20. 29
How many times did you go to an airline’s office to ask for their pilot’s qualifying certificate before flying their airplane? You simply got in the plane and fastened your seat belt believing everything was alright.
Now, if you can believe human beings like that how much more should you believe the time-tested and proven Word of God which has never failed?


Discipline is remembring what you want.
David Campbell, founder Saks Fifth Avenue.

The myth, which almost everyone belives is that we have self discipline.Its something in us, like a genetic gift that we either have or we dont.
The truth is that we dont have self discipline, we use self discipline. Here is another way to realise it.Self discipline is like a language,any child can learn a language (All children do learn a language, actually.) Any 90 years old can also learn a language. If you are 9 or 90 and lets say you are lost in the rain in juarez. It works when you use some spanish to find your way to warmthand safety. It worrks.
In this caes spanish is like self discipline, in that you are using it for something. You were not born with it, but you can use it infact you can use as much or as a little you wish. And the more you use the more you can make happen.
It is true that the more often i chose to go to my little dictionary and use the words,the easier it gets to use spanish. If i go enough times to the book,and practice enough words and phrases, it gets so easy to speak spanish that it seems like its part of my nature like its something i have inside me. Just like golf looks like it comes naturally to Tiger Woods. Self-discipline is the same.

Prayer Key To A Glorious Destiny

Every time God calls His people, it means He has made all things ready for them Luke 14.17 no wonder the bible says be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your request be made known unto God (Philipians 4.6). God does not speak empty words He speaks according to His size. Every time God calls His people, it means He has made all things ready for their glorification. A call for prayer is a call for taking delivery of your destiny. Prayer covers every areas of our lives. Any situation can be effectively handled by prayer. Your situation may be turbulent but with prayers, you will prevail. God is able to repackage your destiny again via the alter of prayer He is able to turn your stagnation into promotion.
Prayer is one of the ordained channels for the restoration and recovery of your destiny (1 Kings 8.15). Gods plan is at the mercy of our prayer life so every thing has an answer in prayer. There are few examples in scripture, of men that took delivery of their destinies on the alter of prayer. One of them was Jacob. He had a challenge and his mother thought she could help him, however this landed him in trouble.

One day Jacob was left alone to travail, His travail ended on the prayer alter. He triumphed and took glorious destiny in prayers (Genesis 32.24…26). Second was Daniel who supposed to be destroyed because he was listed among the wise men hired by the king to help him solve a complex situation. They were to be destroyed because they could not deliver a solution to the concern of the king, Daniel asked for time to sort it out because he knew where destiny is preserved. So Daniel Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego went into prayers (Daniel 2.16=19). The secret was revealed to them and they were not destroyed. That delivered their destinies in the land via the alter of prayer. Third, Jabez was the man born with misfortune, but he stood before God and prayed oh, that thou wouldest bless me and enlarge my coast I am choking here and that thy Hand might be with me And God granted him that which he requested (1 Chronicles 4.9=10). Every covenant child has a glorious future. Your destiny is at stake until stand strong at the prayer alter. Jeremiah 29.13 you have to contend in prayer if you take delivery of your glorious and enviable destiny (Deuteronomy 2.24)

Prayer is the platform from where divine help is release. He said come boldly to the throne of grace that you may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need Hebrews 4.16. So we take delivery of the help needed when we are confronted from the prayer alter (2Chronicles 26.7). Also destiny is not fulfilled without a cost, and one of the cost is prayer

How To Get Slimmer

Ever skip breakfast, secretly hoping you'll fit into your jeans better if you do?

It's a natural thought. Less food in your belly means more room in your waistband, right? Think again. New research shows that skirting the ritual of a morning meal can totally sabotage your waistline by setting you up for minimal calorie burn and a bigger appetite throughout the day.

Break Your Fast
In fact, breakfast skippers are twice as likely as breakfast eaters to pile on pounds, according to the study results. It may be because energy-deprived breakfast skippers tend to be less active throughout the day, so they burn fewer calories. On top of that, when people skip breakfast, their blood levels of ghrelin a hunger-inducing hormone creep higher, upping the odds of downing a supersized meal or high-calorie treat later in the day. (Want a calorie-torching, easy-breezy way to stay active? Try this easiest of exercises.)

More Breakfast Boons
Here's yet another potential benefit of eating breakfast: a richer, happier life. Yes, really! In the study, people who often skipped their a.m. meal reported bigger drops in vitality, social functioning, and mental and emotional well-being compared with the breakfast eaters. So belly up to the breakfast table each morning. You'll look better and feel better if you do.

4 Simple Breakfast Rules for Shedding Pounds

It's all about timing and balance, according to Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons, author of Potatoes, Not Prozac.

1.. Do it daily. Your goal is to make it a daily, automatic habit. The reward? You can kiss late-day low blood sugar and sugary snack cravings goodbye -- permanently.

2.. Do it sooner rather than later. For the best results, eat breakfast within an hour or so of waking up -- even if you're not hungry. Morning-time low blood sugar produces a brain chemical designed to mask hunger pangs -- but can cause sugar cravings later in the day.

3..Make it complex. We're talking complex carbohydrates here (whole-grain cereals, steel-cut oats, high-fiber fruits, etc.) The fiber keeps blood sugar on an even keel and helps you feel full longer.

4..Power it with protein. Protein slows digestion, helps prevent spikes and dips in blood sugar, and can even give you a dose of depression-fighting tryptophan. DesMaisons recommends that you get a third of your daily protein at breakfast

The RoboMiner

Grid-Based Trading EA-Robominer is another grid-based EA (I seem to be drawn to those) that focuses on only two currency pairs: AUDNZD and EURCHF.The system is built around the fact that historically these two currencies have always traded within a specific range and their price tends to always come back to the midpoint of their respective ranges.When price moves up from that midpoint, short positions are taken, and when price moves below the midpoint, long positions are established.Profit is made as the price action then returns at some point to the midpoint. Positions are opened for every 40 pips of movement in either direction.

Visit The RoboMiner – How it manages your capital- The RoboMiner is very conservative in that it recommends using lot sizes of only 0.01 lots per $2,000 of trading capital if trading just the AUDNZD pair, and 0.01 lots per $3,500 of trading capital if trading both AUDNZD and EURCHF. This ensures that even if the pairs were to go outside of their historical ranges, your account would not get a margin call.Because it is so conservative, there is obviously a limit to how quickly Robominer can grow your account.

Long term capital growth-The developer’s web page states that it can easily produce 6% per month or 100% per year (compounded). In my own backtests, it normally gained between 2% and 5% per month, and in my current forward test, which has been running just about one month, it is currently up about 4%.

Long term trading robot-The RoboMiner EA is a long term investment system that pumps daily small profits into your account, it always closes trades with a profit, that’s right you will never have any trades close with a loss.Minimum 6-10 % return monthly-The RoboMiner EA uses a proven grid trading system that is so safe, its as if your money is in you IRA account, this system generates a minimum 6-10 % return monthly, with compounding that’s 100% return a year, that means if you invest $2,000 today, in 9 years from now that will turn into $1,000,000 minimum.

Where else can you find such a safe investment that will give you this kind of return?.


   Heaven is the place where God lives in all His glory. The Lord Jesus said, I am going to prepare a place for you. And after I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to myself, so that you will be where I am (john 14;2,3). It is a marvelous place, where He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared. There shall be no more night because the Lord God will be their light.  Rev. 21;4, 22;5.
    It is a sacred place, nothing that is impure will enter the city,nor any one who does shameful things or tell lies. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of the living will enter the city Rev 21:27.
   There is only one way to Heaven, I am the way, the truth and the life no one goes to the Father except by me .(John 14;6). Salvation is to be found through Him alone, in all the world there is no one else whom God has given who can save us. (Acts 4;12)

His Resurrection.

   After three days in the grave, Jesus Christ rose from the dead. He walked and talked with His disciples, and after forty days He went up to Heaven where He sits at the right Hand of God. (Rom.8;34) a living Saviour, with all Authority in Heaven and on earth (Matt 28;18). And so He is able, now and always, to save those who come to God through Him because He lives forever to plead with God for them. (Heb; 7;25).

The Way Of Life – The Saviour.

Since we could not free ourselves from our sins, nor from the just punishment for our sins, God has provided a Saviour. For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life. John 3;16. God, the Heavenly Father, sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, from Heaven to this world, He lived as a man, but never sinned. He went about doing good, healing the sick, curing lepers, driving out demons
 Forgiving those who are sorry for their sins and teaching the people about God
   But His great purpose in becoming a man was to die as sacrifice for us all, to give His Divine sinless life and His precious blood to pay the penalty for our sins. He let wicked men take Him, whip Him until His back was covered with bloody gaping wounds, put a crown of thorns on His head, and finally nail Him by His Hands and feet to a cross, where He hung in pain and suffering. Christ Himself carried our sins I His body to the cross”   (1 peter 2;24). He died for you and for me

Places To Get a Great Forex Trading System

It’s very important that if you’re exploring forex trading or already trading that you have a trading system. One aspect of that trading system are the actual setup rules which usually contain entry and exit techniques. Traders put a lot of time and effort in developing these setup rules too often neglecting other aspects such as position sizing or relative size of your profits compared to losses. Therefore it’s important to find a comprehensive forex trading system.

Where can you find a comprehensive forex trading system? Throughout the last three years, I’ve been through many trading systems obtained mostly from books, forums, or other websites. I’ve found that almost every time, I’ll mold that system into something totally different than the original incarnation, something that fits my personality and style of trading. Many times, the original system will also need to be expanded to include things that were neglected or forgotten. Those of you searching for the perfect system may find this method of modifying existing forex trading systems desirable. There are places where you can find the whole package without any need for modification.
This brings me to the question, "where did you get your forex trading system?" I think there are four main ways of getting a trading system.

1. Buy it. There are tons for sale out there on the net but heed caution. Many were just copied from forums, books, or other websites. Sometimes when you buy forex education, part of the package will include a trading system. For instance, Rob Booker provides his Arizona rules as part of his mentoring program.
2. Get a free one. There are many free systems that can be found in books, forums, or other websites. I guess one can question whether a system found is a book is free since you paid for the book.
3. Create an original system yourself. My main trading system is an original creation. There may be other systems out there that are similar to it since it’s a culmination of years of exposure to other systems and experiences.
4. Modify someone else’s system and make it your own. As I stated above, I have done this many times.

What Is Faith

How would you define faith? some equate it with blind belief.Influential American and journalist H.L Mencken once called faith an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable.

The bible is contrast describes faith as being neither blind nor illogical. God's word says faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for,the evident demostration of realities though not beheld. Hebrew 11.1. At the time of the writing of the Bible book of Hebrews,the Greek term translated assured expectation was commonly used.It often appeared in business documents and carried the idea of a guarantee of future possession of something.Therefore one reference worksuggest that Hebrew 11.1 could be translated.Faith is the title deed of things hoped for.

If you ever bought an item from a reputable company and then waited for it to be delivered, you have exercised that type of faith.The sales receipt in your hand gave you reason for faith in the company from which you bought the item from. In a sense, that receipt was your title deed, your guarantee that you would receive what you purchase.

How Do I Begin Trading Forex?

I will assume that you have some knowledge about Forex either from a book or website. I’m not going to give definitions of a pip or explain what a base currency is.There are plenty of places you can find this information. What I want to provide are practical lessons for the beginner, lessons that can help straighten the learning curve.

There’s a lot of information out there on forex, some of it good and some of it misleadingly bad. Be careful. Trading forex is many times portrayed as a way to get rich fast; a home-based business. This is the furthest than from the truth. Trading forex is risky and though it may be possible to turn it into a home-based business, you need a lot of capital and experience. To give you an idea, a very experienced and respected currency trader had the following yearly returns: 71% in 2004, 433% in 2005, 53% in 2006, and 30% in 2007. Let’s just say for a minute that you were as successful as this trader and started 2007 trading forex as a home-based business with $5000. Could you live on the $1500 you made in 2007? I doubt it. I’m not trying to discourage you from trying but I think it’s important to be realistic. If you dive into currency trading with unrealistic expectations, you’re not going to get far.
Maybe you’ve read a book on forex, read something about trading forex on the internet or you went to a trading seminar. This is something that interests you, something you want to commit time to, initially as a hobby and maybe one day for a living. After you have this basic knowledge, where do you begin?
1. I’d recommend buying a book on forex because it contains a little of everything. It explains what the forex market is and answers other basic questions. In addition it should contain information on reading charts and technical analysis. Read the book from cover to cover. When you’re done, move on to step 2.

  2. Download and install Metatrader which is a free trading and charting platform. You will prompted to open a demo account after installation. You can download Metatrader from any number of places. One such place is http://www.interbankfx.com. Start playing around with Metatrader to learn what capabilities it has. You’re not going to find a Metatrader book in your bookstore but you will find online manuals on the internet. There is also a huge user community around Metatrader. You can find any one of these communities by googling "metatrader forums.

  3. Start applying some of the things you learned from the technical analysis sections of the book to your charts. Draw some trendlines or add some indicators. Start placing some trades also. Don’t be concerned about how much you’re risking or whether you’re going to win or lose. Just get a familiarity with how to place a trade. There’s only two directions you can trade in, long (buy) or short (sell) but there are many currency pairs. Try concentrating just for consistency on the EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, or the USD/JPY (the four most popular currency pairs.)
These three steps should keep you busy for quite some time. Take some time to get familiar with it all then you can move on.

Make Money Online With FAP Turbo Forex Automated Trading Robot

Forex Robot That Is Capable Of Doubling Your Money Every Single Month… BIG Money Is Made NOT By Working Hard But By Working SMART! A traffic forex drudge is a module program which automatically enters as good as exits trades in a forex marketplace with a goal of branch a profit. Many traders switch to these systems given they have been sleepy of a con of primertrading . When traffic manually we have to outlay large hours any day monitoring a market, as good as we additionally have to outlay large hours staying up to date upon your stream trades. A forex traffic drudge takes a con of out carrying to do this, though still allows we to take value of a income intensity of a forex market. we would similar to to uncover we which drudge is a best, though prior to which we should demeanour during given this drudge is a best. Many forex robots usually come with a single approach to trade. They follow a single specific set of rules, no make a difference how a marketplace conditions are, as good as they have been written to traffic really banking pair. This is a large complaint given a marketplace is all a time becoming opposite from day to day, as good as each banking span is traded differently. The most appropriate traffic forex drudge is different, it all a time receives updates from forex experts who have been monitoringa forex market . Also with this drudge we have been removing a pledge of satisfaction. It is a single of a most traded robots upon a market, so we know which it increase good given most traders have been regulating it day after daY.