Since we could not free ourselves from our sins, nor from the just punishment for our sins, God has provided a Saviour. For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life. John 3;16. God, the Heavenly Father, sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, from Heaven to this world, He lived as a man, but never sinned. He went about doing good, healing the sick, curing lepers, driving out demons
Forgiving those who are sorry for their sins and teaching the people about God
But His great purpose in becoming a man was to die as sacrifice for us all, to give His Divine sinless life and His precious blood to pay the penalty for our sins. He let wicked men take Him, whip Him until His back was covered with bloody gaping wounds, put a crown of thorns on His head, and finally nail Him by His Hands and feet to a cross, where He hung in pain and suffering. Christ Himself carried our sins I His body to the cross” (1 peter 2;24). He died for you and for me