
Bananas Raise Hope For Stopping HIV and Microbial Spread

Parents of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency (AIDS) may heaved a sign of relief following the results of the of a new United state study suggesting that bananas may beat anti retroviral drugs in stopping HIV/AIDS spread. In another development, the Nigerian researchers at the University of Lagos have shown that potency of unripe banana (MUSA SAPIENTUM), lemon grass (CYMBOPOGON CITTRATUS) and turmeric (CUREUMA LONGA) against pathogens that cause typhoid fever (SAMONELLA PARATYPHI), pneumonia (KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE), skin afflictions (STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS). The new study which was published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry concluded that banana lectins, a natural chemical found in banana has the ability to stop the transmission and prevent HIV. The study title A lectin isolated from banana is a potent inhibitor of HIV replication was conducted by Michael D Swanson, Harry C.Winter, Irwin J. Goldstein and David Markovitz from the department of Internal Medicine, Division of infectious diseases. Programme in Immunology, cellular and molecular biology programme and department of biological chemistry, university of Michigan Medical centre. This new research found Ban lec, a jacalin-related lectin isolated from the fruit of bananas, a potential component for an anti viral microbicide that could be used to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV-1 Ban lec is an effective anti HIV lectin and is similar potency to T-20 and maraviroc, two anti HIV drugs currently in clinical use. Dried banana pulp has also shown promise as natural agents for lowering blood cholesterol levels and the risk of heart diseases. Nigerian researchers have successfully used dried banana pulp to treat hypercholesterolaemia in animal models. Hypercholesterolaemia is a condition in which levels of cholesterol in the blood are higher than normal. The researcher claim this hypercholesterolaemic effect (lowering of the blood cholesterol levels) can be replicated in human. Banana fruits have been reported to prevent anaemia (lack of blood) by stimulating the production of haemoglobin in the blood. Haemoglobin is the iron containing oxygen transport metalloprotein in the red blood cells of vertebrates and the tissues of some invertebrates. Several studies have shown that the medicinal parts of banana used are the fruits mainly as well as peels, leaves and juice. Banana function in regulating blood pressure has been linked with high content of potassium. Banana is known to help solve the problem of constipation. Without necessary resort to laxatives. Banana has been known to cure heart burns, stress, strokes, ulcers and many other ailments. The root of banana is anthelmintic (worm expeller by stunning or killing them). The fruit has been used as part of anti ulcer diet in combination with pineapples, blueberries, cloves, ginger and cinnamon. Also anti fungal and antibiotic chemical substances are found in the peel and the pulp of fully ripe banana. The peel in combination of other substances made into a linitment helps to reduce acute arthritis pain and aches.