Every time God calls His people, it means He has made all things ready for them Luke 14.17 no wonder the bible says be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your request be made known unto God (Philipians 4.6). God does not speak empty words He speaks according to His size. Every time God calls His people, it means He has made all things ready for their glorification. A call for prayer is a call for taking delivery of your destiny. Prayer covers every areas of our lives. Any situation can be effectively handled by prayer. Your situation may be turbulent but with prayers, you will prevail. God is able to repackage your destiny again via the alter of prayer He is able to turn your stagnation into promotion.
Prayer is one of the ordained channels for the restoration and recovery of your destiny (1 Kings 8.15). Gods plan is at the mercy of our prayer life so every thing has an answer in prayer. There are few examples in scripture, of men that took delivery of their destinies on the alter of prayer. One of them was Jacob. He had a challenge and his mother thought she could help him, however this landed him in trouble.
One day Jacob was left alone to travail, His travail ended on the prayer alter. He triumphed and took glorious destiny in prayers (Genesis 32.24…26). Second was Daniel who supposed to be destroyed because he was listed among the wise men hired by the king to help him solve a complex situation. They were to be destroyed because they could not deliver a solution to the concern of the king, Daniel asked for time to sort it out because he knew where destiny is preserved. So Daniel Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego went into prayers (Daniel 2.16=19). The secret was revealed to them and they were not destroyed. That delivered their destinies in the land via the alter of prayer. Third, Jabez was the man born with misfortune, but he stood before God and prayed oh, that thou wouldest bless me and enlarge my coast I am choking here and that thy Hand might be with me And God granted him that which he requested (1 Chronicles 4.9=10). Every covenant child has a glorious future. Your destiny is at stake until stand strong at the prayer alter. Jeremiah 29.13 you have to contend in prayer if you take delivery of your glorious and enviable destiny (Deuteronomy 2.24)
Prayer is the platform from where divine help is release. He said come boldly to the throne of grace that you may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need Hebrews 4.16. So we take delivery of the help needed when we are confronted from the prayer alter (2Chronicles 26.7). Also destiny is not fulfilled without a cost, and one of the cost is prayer